March 2009

3-50-project-logo_500px2A friend turned me onto a great piece about strengthening the local economy by patronizing local brick and mortars. Written by Rieva Lesonsky (Consulting Editor at, the post titled “Support Your Local Small Business” touched my retail-lovin’ heart in a big way.

Her article sprang from a customer service-related experiment last summer. In that case, a guy decided to purchase goods and services only from businesses whose owners he’d met. Before long, he was frequenting the same three restaurants repeatedly, which inspired Lesonsky to twist the concept slightly, then consider the implications of her own shopping habits: [click here to continue…]


Domain registry scam alert

by Cinda Baxter on March 10, 2009

in internet, Real World


Just when you think you’ve seen it all….

Those of you with websites need to keep an eye out for a misleading fax or email attachment that looks a lot like a legal document titled “Final Notice,” claiming you need to re-register your domain name or lose it. Typically, the document shows an expiration date of the day it’s sent, leading to a moment of terror in the hearts of unknowing recipients. A toll free phone number will appear at the bottom.

The one I received via fax (first clue this was a scam, since my web host communicates via email) came from the so-called “Domain Registry Rights” company, but these guys also fly under the name “Domain Notification Central.”

Tear it up. Shred it. Burn it. Done.


Local banks might be your best bet

by Cinda Baxter on March 10, 2009

in Finances, RS:Live!

rs_boxLast Thursday’s RS:Live! conference call about credit cards, credit lines, and all associated perplexities was nothing short of fascinating. Richard Bodin is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to understanding how credit functions behind the big curtain. Utilizing his one simple suggestion about what to do with a large credit card balance could make the difference between staying afloat and sinking like an anvil. [click here to continue…]


Enough with the carnage

by Cinda Baxter on March 9, 2009

in Economy, Media

meet_the_pressForgive me for just now catching this one. Haven’t had time to dig through the plethora of stuff on my TiVo.

Yesterday morning, Erin Burnett shared more of her concerns about the impact psychology has on consumers right now. According to the CNBC business news anchor, what we’re facing is really a two-part problem: the complexity of the markets, and…the negativity of the media.

[click here to continue…]


twitterI get asked (a lot) how in the world I have time to keep up with Twitter. Well, I don’t…at least not in the way you think. Unlike the caricature most folks have in their minds of what Twittering entails (non-stop chattering on the computer with total strangers or whipping off endless text messages about the dog’s new trick), my use of the social medium is singular: it’s an information pipeline.

Throw in a simple-to-use, free software program that makes staying on top of things easy and all I have to do is sit back and let all that industry buzz goodness come streaming my way. No heavy lifting, babysitting, or hassle factor.

But oh, you’d be amazed at what I’ve learned there.

Here’s how you can get yourself into the loop: [click here to continue…]


cnbc_logoIn a recent Today Show interview, CNBC’s business anchor Erin Burnett was asked to explain the Wall Street chatter in layman’s terms, putting things into perspective. I mean sheesh…since when could you buy a share in a major oil company for less than a gallon of gas or pick up GE cheaper than a couple of 60 watt lightbulbs?

After explaining the realities of finance, Burnett made a keen observation familiar to storefront retailers everywhere, regarding the other piece of the puzzle: [click here to continue…]


A Buy Local campaign that rocks

by Cinda Baxter on March 6, 2009

in Local, Marketing

sholoNow this is what I’m talkin’ about, folks.

Remember my earlier post listing ten ways to set yourselves apart from home based resellers? Take another look at number three on the list. The one about banding together with fellow retailers, combining your resources to gain better visibility. Yeah. That one.

Well, lemme tell ya, there’s someone out there doing it, and doing it well. [click here to continue…]

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The Pen Pal Experiment

by Cinda Baxter on March 5, 2009

in Marketing, Stationery

mailboxTo those of you longing for the days when a letter-—a real, honest-to-God piece of stationery with someone’s handwriting on it-—arrived in your mailbox, allow me to introduce your soul sister. Emily Barton, a recent addition to the virtual office community, is a letter fiend. Her blog, originally started to document the life of a telecommuter recently tired of that, and moved on to “all things Emily.” In doing so, she devised a New Year’s resolution…the Pen Pal Experiment.

Rather than try to sum up her passion for paper here, why not just link to her blog?

Here you go: Part one (the brainstorm) and part two (a status report).

Why am I including this in the blog? Because I think it’s a brilliant idea for a multi-store promotion that could get a little media attention.

Brick and mortars, if you’re into this, let me know. I’d be happy to get the wheels spinning.