Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Pen Pal Experiment

by Cinda Baxter on March 5, 2009

in Marketing, Stationery

mailboxTo those of you longing for the days when a letter-—a real, honest-to-God piece of stationery with someone’s handwriting on it-—arrived in your mailbox, allow me to introduce your soul sister. Emily Barton, a recent addition to the virtual office community, is a letter fiend. Her blog, originally started to document the life of a telecommuter recently tired of that, and moved on to “all things Emily.” In doing so, she devised a New Year’s resolution…the Pen Pal Experiment.

Rather than try to sum up her passion for paper here, why not just link to her blog?

Here you go: Part one (the brainstorm) and part two (a status report).

Why am I including this in the blog? Because I think it’s a brilliant idea for a multi-store promotion that could get a little media attention.

Brick and mortars, if you’re into this, let me know. I’d be happy to get the wheels spinning.