Enough with the carnage

by Cinda Baxter on March 9, 2009

in Economy, Media

meet_the_pressForgive me for just now catching this one. Haven’t had time to dig through the plethora of stuff on my TiVo.

Yesterday morning, Erin Burnett shared more of her concerns about the impact psychology has on consumers right now. According to the CNBC business news anchor, what we’re facing is really a two-part problem: the complexity of the markets, and…the negativity of the media.

Complexity might be an understatement. As Burnett explains it, the combination of fear and a lack of confidence in Wall Street has consumers investing less and socking away more, as demonstrated by the recent surge in bank deposits. At the same time, however, stocks on the S&P have actually gone up since November, proving there is strength in some areas, due in great part to the stimulus package (which, by the way, is just beginning to take effect this week).

Essentially, “The market story is a little more complex than what the current headlines make it seem,” continues Burnett, bringing her to the second issue-—media attitude.

Quoting her:

I’ve been collecting words the media has been using to describe the crisis: carnage, apocalypse, bleeding, hemorrhaging, crash.

What are we going to do when things get worse? There is something to be said for a loss of perspective and a sense of hyperbole that’s taken over.

You said it, sister.

Yes, the market stinks. And yes, it’s tough out there for retailers. But does searching for new twists on the word “pain” really move things forward in a productive manner? C’mon, folks. Let’s get our heads back in the game. Enough of the Dracula-meets-dollars lingo.

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