Friday, March 20, 2009

Vendors, we need to talk too.

by Cinda Baxter on March 20, 2009

in Economy, Retail, Vendors

welcome_mat_1Yesterday, I had a heart to heart with retailers about late invoices, asking them to take a deep breath and call you. Today, it’s our turn to visit. Want to make sure there isn’t a disconnect on your end of the line.

Before you jump to the conclusion my heart rests solely with retailers, please hear me out. Like you, I have had late paying customers. I understand the impact that can have on one’s life. The bills still need to be paid, after all.

But I also understand the level of humility that comes with picking up the phone to make that call. Most retailers are, by nature, Type A-—over-achievers, head strong, determined…and proud. Admitting a shortcoming of any kind is like peeling their skin off. Admitting financial difficulty feels like the ultimate failure…even though it’s not. [click here to continue…]