April 2009

nss_2009_logoIt’s not uncommon to find a sky high stack of messages demanding attention in my inbox since email access has sporadic during my stay in Hong Kong. Today’s 300+ messages squealing “Read me! Read me!” came as no great surprise; three particular vendor emails, however, did (surprise me, that is–not literally squeal). They each asked if I would please promote specials being offered this spring-—something I routinely do in Shopping List posts.

What makes these three vendors unique is that none of them intend to exhibit at the upcoming National Stationery Show. Instead, they’ve asked if I would post their specials to offset their absence in May.

My response? Um…no. [click here to continue…]

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The buzz from Hong Kong

by Cinda Baxter on April 29, 2009

in China, Economy, Hong Kong

p1010398_show_signIt’s day three at the Hong Kong Gifts and Premiums Fair, where I’m swimming in thousands of exhibitor booths from all around the world. This is truly an amazing experience…can’t fathom how anyone could physically walk this entire thing in a week.

Yesterday’s seminar “Outlook for the US Market After the Financial Tsunami” (their choice of title) was met with very open ears and a lot of curiosity-—not surprising, given the international nature of this show. From the podium, I could see people frantically taking notes as I detailed the American consumer psyche, what it craves now, and where it’s headed next. When I turned to discussion about the various retail channels and how they’re viewed from a consumer perspective, pens really flew. Was good to see an interest in independent retail as opposed to the typical big box mentality. [click here to continue…]


Brush teeth, comb hair, speak in Hong Kong

by Cinda Baxter on April 28, 2009

in Hong Kong, Markets, Speaking

hong_kong_lobbyFor those of you who don’t already know, I’m in Hong Kong right now, as a featured speaker at The Hong Kong Gifts and Premiums Show-—the largest gift show in the world. Having spoken here once before, I can attest to the fact that Americans are very warmly welcomed here, by exceedingly gracious hosts.

Unlike the gift shows US retailers are familiar with, this one caters to large orders (read: minimum 1,000 pieces is not uncommon) and custom made goods to be sold by international vendors. Walking the aisles, I’m constantly amazed at how many products I recognize, sans the familiar logos.

They’ve asked that I speak about the outlook for the US market, post-economic meltdown. Prior to my appearance, Sarah Reeve, Editor of Gift Focus Magazine (similar to our Gifts and Dec) will tackle the same topic from a UK perspective. Unlike years past, the Hong Kong Trade Development Council has opted to feature just two international speakers this time, given the level of interest in our respective arenas. Should make for an interesting and enlightening day.

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Been wondering if your listing on The 3/50 Project website has an impact? Check out what Sioux Falls, South Dakota photographer Chris Jacob has to say on KELO-TV news. This isn’t the first time I’ve heard this…those listings work.

And just for the record-—east and west coast media types, you’re getting scooped by your midwest counterparts, big time. This is the second South Dakota t.v. station, in addition to three Minneapolis stations, and a Lincoln, Nebraska station who have featured The 3/50 Project on their news broadcasts. Whaddaya say you jump in and spread the love to the locally owned businesses in your coverage area too?

P.S. We don’t have a MySpace page, so please don’t go looking for it. Heaven knows, there’s plenty to keep up with between Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn already. You guys are keeping me on my toes!


john_ranesAs promised on Friday, today’s post is a continuation of my conversation with John Ranes, owner of The Frame Workshop in Appleton, Wisconsin. He earned his stand in the spotlight by signing up more supporters of The 3/30 Project than anyone else; what earned him a second post was his terrific insight into operating successful retail store.

Here’s the rest of the interview: [click here to continue…]


3-50-project-logo_500px2I promised that whoever was responsible for the most registered supporters on The 3/50 Project website by midnight April 15th would be thanked by a moment in the spotlight here on the blog. Well folks, meet John Ranes, independent retailer (The Frame Workshop in Appleton, Wisconsin), who single-handedly brought in no fewer than twenty-five businesses…that we know of. Given the plethora of frame shops that came in around the same time, not referring to a specific person by name, something tells me twenty-five is shooting low.

What I didn’t expect was that the person who attained Rock Star Status would also be someone with so much business savvy and sage advice to lend other retailers of all types. The following interview shows incredible insight and brings wise reminders that are a pleasure to share. Given the amount of great material, today’s installment will be part one of two, focused primarily on The 3/50 Project. [click here to continue…]

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Winner of The 3/50 Project Flip Note contest

by Cinda Baxter on April 23, 2009

in The 3/50 Project

flipnoteAnd the winner is….

Candace Carr, of Carr Gardens in Blue Island, Illinois!

All entries mentioning The 3/50 Project on FlipNoteFan.com were tossed in a hat, then one randomly chosen as the recipient of a new Flip Note with our member badge engraved on the front. After selecting the winner, I went back and read her comment. Looks like we hit a grand slam, since she extolls the virtue of both the Project and Flip Notes. Sweet.

Thanks to Flip Note Fan for donating this seriously cool prize.

Flip Notes are a product of Wellspring. If you haven’t checked them out, do.
Color of winning Flip Note may not be as shown in photo above.

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General Growth Properties files Chapter 11

by Cinda Baxter on April 22, 2009

in Real World

torn_10_dollar_billYikes. One of the nation’s largest mall operators filed Chapter 11 in New York this week, after failing to restructure more than $25 billion in outstanding debt. General Growth Properties, based in Chicago, has pretty far reaching tentacles. Just search their property listings by state to see what I mean.

What does this mean? [click here to continue…]

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