Friday, January 16, 2009

Dancing in the (frozen) streets

by Cinda Baxter on January 16, 2009

in Real World

Dave Price, CBS Early Show, doing morning standup with lips too frozen to speak

This morning, Dave Price from the CBS Early Show did his remote segments from the riverbank in downtown Minneapolis, with lips so frozen he was fighting to enunciate his own name.

This afternoon, the local CBS affiliate sent their meteorologist, Chris Shaffer, into the heart of the city with a bullhorn. He stepped to the curb, then announced to the world:

“Attention, citizens of Minneapolis-—after 86 hours below zero, the temperature has risen to above zero. What do you think of that?”

Yes, there was raucous cheering…and hollering…and whistling…and clapping…and jumping up and down by everyone within earshot. Not unlike when the Twins won their first World Series, and all for 2 measly degrees.

Of course, that guy in Mankato who made the national news demonstrating how to hammer a nail into a 2 x 4 with a frozen banana might be less than enthusiastic, but hey-—been there, done that, ready to turn up the temps.


Alphabet addiction

by Cinda Baxter on January 16, 2009

in Stationery


For those who join me in the world of typeface junkies, here’s a site that will make you weep (with joy). Of course, I’ve now found at least a dozen more $99 Veer fonts I can’t live without. Great.

Stationers, you’re gonna love me for this.