
The 3/50 Project needs your help

by Cinda Baxter on March 23, 2010

in Finances, Technology, The 3/50 Project

Remember the blog post I whipped off nearly a year ago? You know the one…pick three, spend $50, ”Let’s call it The 3/50 Project.” Well, that little ditty has exploded into one heck of a huge international movement, complete with a full blown website, massive traffic, massive popularity…and a massive web hosting bill.

You know that $9.95/month hosting package you have that covers all the bases, and then some? Yeah, well, we’re way, way, waaaaaaay past that. [click here to continue…]


iPadDisclaimer: I’m an Apple junkie. Have been since my first computer (a beloved Apple IIc in the early 80s); probably always will be. Which is why my heart’s torn this morning, between Uncle Steve’s latest invention and booksellers everywhere. [click here to continue…]


Twitter posts on LinkedIn profiles now available

by Cinda Baxter on November 12, 2009

in Marketing, Technology

twitterOnce again, the nest has been aflutter at Twitter, with this week’s launch of available sync between tweets and LinkedIn profiles. While the control panel is a bit tricky to find, it’s there…or, actually, here.

First step: Link your accounts. Very easy. Follow the directions, [click here to continue…]

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by Cinda Baxter on October 29, 2009

in Technology, The 3/50 Project

scissors_paper_aAt 2:03 a.m. Pacific time, a computer somewhere in the Ukrane arrived on The 3/50 Project website…but not as visitor. Sixty seconds later, every single page of the site had been hacked, loaded up with dozens and dozens of lines of code pointing to pharmaceutical websites of less than reputable stature.

We were hacked. [click here to continue…]

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Google Docs ate my homework

by Cinda Baxter on August 22, 2009

in Real life, Technology, The 3/50 Project

google_docsLemme tell ya, if you want to stop my heart on a dime, utter the following words:

Google Docs tanked The 3/50 Project registrations, Cinda.

Really want to go for the gut? Tell me just as I’m getting on a plane to fly half way across the country. As in Thursday. As in the day I was headed to Seattle. [click here to continue…]

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A bad day in Social Media Land

by Cinda Baxter on August 6, 2009

in Marketing, Technology

smash_computerRemember those days when old school marketing could give you a heart attack? The press broke down…the magazine ran your ad on the wrong page…an unseen typo lurked hidden until the Yellow Pages ad ran? The downside was either delay, or worse-—long term marriage to the mistake that saw ink.

Today’s marketing arsenal includes social media, most typically Facebook and Twitter among the lot. So what happens when both go hinky at the same time?

It makes you nuts (which pretty much explains my level of frustration the past two hours). [click here to continue…]


3-50-project-logo_500px2Well, can’t say you aren’t doing your part to spread the news.

Thanks to a whole lot of folks who believe in independent businesses and local communities, The 3/50 Project went into high gear yesterday, starting with the Gifts and Dec e-newsletter that so graciously included a piece about us (without me asking, bless their hearts). Next, I learned that Home Accents Today blogger, Mike Landfair, ran a piece too.

Suddenly, things lit up. Thanks to a plethora of bloggers, Twitter users, and a very steady stream of new supporters landing in my inbox, The 3/50 Project has grown legs and is running like a marathon pro. [click here to continue…]


Using Twitter for industry buzz (part two)

by Cinda Baxter on March 12, 2009

in News, Technology, Vendors

twitterAs you recall from Sunday’s post, Twitter has quickly become a pipeline to what’s happening in the industry. It’s there that I’ve made valuable connections, learned of new product releases, been asked for business advice, met a couple of clients, and learned of new exhibitors planning upcoming shows. And all in 140 words or less per tweet.

Given Twitter’s vibrancy (ie, non-stop adrenaline and caffeine fueled frenetic pace), finding a way to harness all this golden information is important.

After all, when it comes to information, getting it and getting run over by it are two entirely different things. [click here to continue…]