Google Docs ate my homework

by Cinda Baxter on August 22, 2009

in Real life, Technology, The 3/50 Project

google_docsLemme tell ya, if you want to stop my heart on a dime, utter the following words:

Google Docs tanked The 3/50 Project registrations, Cinda.

Really want to go for the gut? Tell me just as I’m getting on a plane to fly half way across the country. As in Thursday. As in the day I was headed to Seattle.

Thanks to a seriously flawed update on Google’s part (the service we use to gather registrations), all forms filled out between August 15-21 have been whisked away to the same mysterious place in the solar system as lost socks and misplaced reading glasses. Seriously. For real. I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried.

If you filled out a form during that six day period, well…you’re gonna have to do it again (now that the little bugger is fixed).

Now…before you head back to the forms….

If you registered as a supporter last week:
1. Please go to our Supporters page, then USE THE SEARCH/FIND FEATURE ON YOUR WEB BROWSER to check for your listing.
2. Please look through both columns.
3. Please do not send an email about it until you’ve done both since it will be virtually impossible to respond to 400-500 “Do you have me?” requests this delightful scenario could/would produce.

If you ordered a window cling last week:
If you ordered a window cling, gotta do it again.

If you notified us last week that the member badge is on your homepage:
Yup…re-do there too.

I’m beyond sorry about the inconvenience, but assure you the Pepcid AC people are tickled pink. It’s been a good weekend for those folks, based on my personal consumption alone.


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