Tuesday, April 14, 2009

10-10-10 for retailers

by Cinda Baxter on April 14, 2009

in Real World, Retail

gumball_machineThe fast rapid meteoric holy-cow-what-just-happened growth of The 3/50 Project has had a couple of pretty big impacts on my life. The first and most obvious is that it’s reshuffled every single priority on my desk (which was a tad bit crowded to begin with). The second isn’t quite as obvious; it’s the constant tape running in the back of mind asking “What comes next? Where are you going to take this thing?”

Admittedly, I hit the pause button a lot on that tape while navigating a constant stream of emails (half of which contain ASAP requests), juggling two phones, and working long distance with Gregg on the database. Every so often though, someone pops up and asks “Cinda, what comes next?“ which gets those back brain wheels spinning again. [click here to continue…]