More conversation with John Ranes about life in retail

by Cinda Baxter on April 27, 2009

in Retail, The 3/50 Project

john_ranesAs promised on Friday, today’s post is a continuation of my conversation with John Ranes, owner of The Frame Workshop in Appleton, Wisconsin. He earned his stand in the spotlight by signing up more supporters of The 3/30 Project than anyone else; what earned him a second post was his terrific insight into operating successful retail store.

Here’s the rest of the interview:

Cinda: Earlier, you mentioned that independent retailers’ biggest challenge was keeping passion, service, and marketing all on target. What advice do you have for getting things back on track?
John: Networking with business groups might be one of the most cost effective tools around. In addition to online connecting, physical Breakfast and Luncheon gatherings in real face-to-face situations are even stronger. These meetings can offer new ideas and generate renewed enthusiasm to the independent retailer. Being able to share ideas with fellow retailers is like bringing in your private board of directors for a meeting.

Cinda: What do you think is the most valuable asset independent businesses have that they overlook or forget?
John: Independent retailers have the ability to service their customers in a manner far and away more personalized than the mass merchandisers and big boxes. Gift wrapping, special orders, personal contacts, reminder cards, carrying merchandise to customers’ vehicles – these are all examples of what we do on occasion and could be done more often. In down economic times, consumers are more aware of how they are treated when they make discretionary purchases.

Cinda: What’s the one thing that keeps you going when times get tough?
John: We tend to use down times to accomplish projects on our “projects to do list” – you know those things that we promised ourselves to get done, three years ago! Clean up that website; reorganize the storage room; Update our packaging materials….new logo, ribbon, bags; Dig out old inventory to put on sale. When business slows down, this is the time to energize and make your retail business, cleaner, more attractive, smarter.

Cinda: What’s the best part of your life as an independent business owner?
John: The independence itself is what drove most of us to the retail sector – and it still is the best part. The fact that we can still steer our ship is the rewarding element. Taking good care of a customer’s needs is still an extremely rewarding element of retailing. This can be designing the perfect custom framed presentation for children’s painting, or family photograph. It can be finding a retired nutcracker from Germany to complete a collector’s set.

Cinda: What are you most proud of in your business?
John: Number one, surviving for 30+ years. We sometimes forget about the bumps along the way, but staying in business is a real business goal. Number two, growing our business over the years. Changing product lines, identity as needed to keep things fresh in the market, and increases sales, and profitability have always been the goal of survival for us. And number three, providing rewarding employment for 6-7 people over the years.

Cinda: Anything else you’d like to add?
John: Proud to be a supporter of the 3/50 Project.

Thanks, John, for being such a great role model. Here’s to years of success ahead.

Kirstie Bennett April 28, 2009 at 10:32 am

That was a really good interview with John Ranes. He is a leader in our industry and a great speaker and educator. I see his comments on retail business as pertinent to all small retail businesses.

–Kirstie Bennett at The Framer’s Workshop in Berkeley

Carol Graham April 28, 2009 at 5:30 pm

Thanks John for bringing this to the attention of framers everywhere! I will be telling everyone at our local business group meeting (tomorrow morning) about the 3/50 project because of you. Great interview!

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