The 3/50 Project

Just ran across this, thanks to a note from a retailer in Michigan. Turns out someone in Detroit realized the best way to bring customers through the doors of local, independent retailers was to haul them there by the busload.

Pretty creative, if you ask me.

Which begs the question: Would this work for The 3/50 Project? Is there a bus line somewhere that would be willing to donate the rides if someone would fill them up?

If anyone has an idea on this one, lay it on me. Sounds like a wildly creative promotion the Project would be happy to endorse, promote, and get rolling full steam ahead next December.


Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know about Small Business Saturday–the Saturday after Thanksgiving when we collectively pushed to remind consumers to shop with local, independent brick and mortar merchants. Well, the push was wildly successful; I’m still hearing buzz about it on the streets, even from those who don’t know I had a connection to the event.

The associated online social buzz was terrific for growing the SBS Facebook page, but…by promoting SBS so heavily on The 3/50 Project’s FB page, we (read: I) inspired a lot of FB users to fire up their friends about Small Business Saturday…but not about The 3/50 Project.


My bad for not figuring that thing out until after the fact.

So. What’s this mean? [click here to continue…]

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Another one of the interviews on Small Business Saturday…. Big thanks to Jimmie at Diamonds and Dials on Harold Square for allowing us to turn the store into a pop-up television studio. We had fun!

Please note: As of summer 2011, neither I or The 3/50 Project support SBS. For an explanation, please see this.


Please note: As of summer 2011, neither I nor The 3/50 Project support SBS. For an explanation, please see this. If I’d known then what I know now….

In case you missed it on Small Business Saturday (11.27.10)….

Note: The audio from Fox is a bit out of sync; it isn’t you or your computer.


This one, admittedly, warms my heart. You see, I grew up in Grand Island, Nebraska, where a field reporter from KOLN/KGIN TV (CBS) came to interview me about The 3/50 Project last week. Standing inside Conestoga Mall, the site of my first full time job (outside the family business), certainly brought on a couple of full circle moments...and a confession.* [click here to continue…]

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Okay folks. Small Business Saturday is behind us. So what next?

Well, the Big Things campaign is still in full swing, reminding consumers that locally owned, independent brick and mortar businesses have lots to offer. If you haven’t yet, check it out, print it out, and start spreading the word. We only have a few weeks of holiday shopping and dining left to wrap our arms around, so let’s do this thing!

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Please note: As of summer 2011, neither I nor The 3/50 Project support SBS. For an explanation, please see this. If I’d known then what I know now….

Yes, yes, yes! Here it is! Small Business Saturday!

This post is gonna be short, because I know you’re up to your eyeballs in ribbons, bows, and bags, prepping for customers to come through the door. Print this out, tape it to the back room wall, then read it when you have a moment or two.

Five things to remember today [click here to continue…]

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Please note: As of summer 2011, neither I nor The 3/50 Project support SBS. For an explanation, please see this. If I’d known then what I know now….

Are you half as excited as me about The 3/50 Project and Small Business Saturday getting facetime on Fox & Friends this Saturday morning? Well…..gonna have to be a teeny bit more patient since the time slot just slipped back an hour (which I see as a good thing, given how many folks will be lounging around that morning, thanks to the holiday).

Adjust your TiVo accordingly:

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Fox & Friends

Fox News Network (national, not the local stations)
6:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Small Business Saturday segment: Approximately 7:45 a.m. 8:40 a.m. EST*

* This is shown as EST, but most? all? times zones adjust going west (ex: it airs from 6:00-9:00 in CST zone too, with a one hour time delay). Check your listings, and be sure to look for the national Fox News channel…not your local Fox affiliate.

Now…how am I going to keep my feet on the ground for another two days??? Sheesh, this is exciting!