Thursday, July 5, 2012

Take that, Amazon.

by Cinda Baxter on July 5, 2012

in Marketing, Real World, Technology

Just in time for Independents’ Month, Deloitte releases the results of their “mobile influence factor” study, created to gauge the impact of mobile apps on in-store purchasing.

Buckle your seat belts, brick and mortar owners. The news is good:

  • Mobile devices’ influence will grow to represent 19% of total store sales by 2016, amounting to $689 billion in mobile-influenced sales.
  • 48% of smartphone owners surveyed say their phone has influenced their decision to purchase an item in a store.
  • Among smartphone owners who used their phone during their last trip, 37% used a third-party mobile shopping application, and more than one-third (34%) used a retailer’s mobile application.
  • Among smartphone shoppers, the percentage who use their phone for shopping varies by store category, from 49% in electronics and appliance stores to 19% in convenience stores and gas stations.
  • Once consumers start using their smartphones for shopping they tend to use them a lot—typically for 50-60% of their store shopping trips, depending on the store category.

Did you catch the bold section?

…37% used a third-party mobile shopping application…

Proof positive that The 3/50 Project’s LookLocal mobile app is on the cutting edge of a growing trend (the primary reason we chose mobile over older, less effective web-based search sites).

Downloading LookLocal is free. Using it is free. Getting listed is free.

Welcoming new customers? Priceless.