Welcome to the Land of Ridiculous

by Cinda Baxter on September 27, 2011

in Real World

Add this to the list of absurd, over-the-top, flat out ridiculous ideas that prove human brains do, on occasion, short circuit. From CNN Money: “Missoni for Target rain boots hit eBay for $31,000.”  The lunatic woman listing them claims she won’t budge on the price since (here’s the kicker) the money is for her child’s college education.

Uh, yeah. Great financial planning strategy (not).

Color me crazy, but if someone’s got $31,000 to drop on a pair of rubber boots, I’m willing to bet the Missoni in their closet is from a couture showroom, not something they’d see high school kids wear to the mall.

I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. :::sigh:::

Thanks to Des Bennett (The Perfect Touch) in Tulsa, OK for the news tip.

Kym Hretz September 27, 2011 at 12:35 pm

I was it my local Target over the weekend and they still have some of these in stock! Get yours there if you care to. Las Cruces, NM

Eugene Thomas September 27, 2011 at 7:04 pm

I think the more ridiculous thing is that these rubber boots have become fashion. Doesn’t everyone know how silly they look?

Amy September 28, 2011 at 7:26 am

We still have the boots available in our Target as well. One would think if she’s saving for college maybe she should spend less time in Target :P ~~~

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