The Independent Hero

by Cinda Baxter on July 4, 2010

in Business, Holidays, Independent Retailers, The 3/50 Project

The History Channel has been airing an extraordinary series titled “America: The History of Us” for several weeks now. It traces, in a remarkably entertaining manner, how the United States grew from a handful of bold settlers to the nation we enjoy today. Whether you’re into history or not, the installments are addictive; I find myself anxiously awaiting the next hour as the previous one concludes.

What struck me, and has stayed with me, is this: The courage and blind faith it took to battle British soldiers, inching toward a Revolutionary War, came from local, common folk. Unlike the King’s redcoats, these men and women weren’t soldiers. Most had never held a gun, let alone stood in the path of mortal danger.

They were shopkeepers. Newsboys. Barbers and blacksmiths. Chimney sweeps and milkmen. Farmers and framers. They were neighbors. They were friends. They were family.

They were independent business owners—the ancestors of those who exist today. While not asked to take up arms in defense of their freedom, the modern independent business owner is just as steely. Just as determined. And just as courageous, willing to go it on their own, with no outside assistance, carving their place in the merchant landscape inch by inch, customer by customer.

To each of you celebrating the 4th this weekend, let’s not forget the locally owned, independent businesses that line our community streets today. Stop in. Pick up a little something that makes you smile. That’s what keeps them around, after all.

As the tag line of The 3/50 Project says, it’s about “Saving the brick and mortars our nation is built on.”

Happy Independents Day, folks. Time to celebrate our roots.

“America: The Story of Us” is also available on iTunes for download.

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