
Stealing posters from the restroom

by Cinda Baxter on March 15, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

This has to be the single best lead-in to a newspaper story ever written:

Chris Dilla figures somebody must like the posters she puts up in the bathrooms of her Bocktown Beer and Grill restaurant in Robinson, because a few have disappeared.

Rock star images? Andy Warhol prints? No. Just marketing materials from The 3/50 Project, a low-key effort to get consumers to think about where they’re spending their money.

I haven’t stopped giggling with glee since first reading it. The thing gets better every time.

To read the complete article (front page of the Business section in Sunday’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette), click here.

Photo: Courtesy of Rebecca Droke/Post-Gazette


I need your help. Actually, I need your ears.

It just came to my attention that radio spots are airing in northern Indiana promoting The 3/50 Project using a sharp edged approach. Apparently, someone decided to record their own spots instead of using the official PSAs offered for free on our website.

And, apparently, they’ve decided to take a hardline tack that makes us come across as harsh and judgmental.

They’ll be easy to spot, since they’re recorded in a male voice–not my own.

If you know what station is airing these, please contact me ASAP. I’ve gone to great lengths to assure that our message is one of balance, of positivity, and of forward moving change. Anything out there that comes across even the slightest bit rigid or critical hurts The 3/50 Project…

…and everyone who supports it.

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A huge thanks to WWAY-TV (ABC) for the great news piece about The 3/50 Project and how it’s been embraced by Southport, North Carolina. Well done, folks!

Now…any chance you could share the good news with the fine folks at Good Morning America? Sure would love to see some sweet national air time in the a.m.


The 3/50 Project in Southport, NC (News14)

by Cinda Baxter on February 22, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

Thanks to News 14 in Southport, North Carolina for enlightening their viewers about The 3/50 Project. Southport is unique, in that it relies heavily on independent brick and mortars for not only revenue, but for the charm the town is known for. Just try to image these serene streets lined with national chains…or worse, dark.

As for The Provision Company, well…sounds like you’re “doing it right,” given the loyalty voiced by your customer. Determination to become a necessary part of consumers’ lives, combined with educating them about the impact their choice of storefront makes, is the one-two punch necessary to have a positive impact. No question.

All the flyers and posters in the world won’t do the trick. Gotta do the hard work too if you want to still be standing this time next year.

Well done, everybody…well done.


The 3/50 Project, from my vantage point

by Cinda Baxter on February 17, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

Yes, this post coulda/shoulda run on Monday when a featured story appeared in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, but Yours Truly was still wrapping her head around the delicate balance between the appearance of self promotion and the reality of seriously great placement on the front page of the business section. In the end, The 3/50 Project won out, having received glorious face time with a whole lot of readers throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin.

Thanks to writer Jackie Crosby and photographer Glen Stubbe for telling our story. You guys rock.

Click here to read it, and if you’re a fan of locally owned, independent brick and mortars, chime in on the comments to share the love.


You can email it, you know….

by Cinda Baxter on February 11, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

valentine_landing_imageWant to join the army of small business owners who have mailed The 3/50 Project Valentine to the network morning shows but fear it’s too late to go with the postal service? No sweat. We’ve included email addresses for three of them, making it possible to share the love right up to the last minute.

So…what are you waiting for? Click, save, and email…done!

(Forward the Valentine to your customers and friends, asking them to do the same—just one small business can touch a whole lotta hearts.)


Congrats on your small business MBA

by Cinda Baxter on February 9, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

As C.S. Lewis put it,

“Experience is a brutal teacher, but you learn, my God, you learn.”

In light of the past two years living in a rough economy, I say it’s time to honor to all those wonderful, locally owned, independent brick and mortars who valentine_landing_imageearned a crash-course MBA along the way. You deserve our respect and awe. Boatloads of it.

To celebrate their achievement, The 3/50 Project continues to push for national network morning air time, in hopes of introducing our “Pick 3, spend 50” message to the masses. If you haven’t already, please print out our free Valentine, then send it along to your favorite show (Today, Good Morning America, The Early Show, Fox & Friends) as soon as possible.

It’s simple-—click, print, and send. We even include all the addresses.

C’mon folks. We’re down to the last week…..


The 3/50 Project on WRDW TV (CBS)

by Cinda Baxter on February 4, 2010

in Media, The 3/50 Project

A big high five to our friends at WRDW-TV (CBS) in Augusta, Georgia for the terrific piece about The 3/50 Project. It’s nice to see stories popping up about our success, now that the holiday season is behind us and our work continues on.

Thanks to all you wonderful independent brick and mortars who fight the good fight. It’s your passion, determination, and loyalty to the community that makes our cities and towns richer, in a myriad of ways.

Well done!

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