Beijing blackout

by Cinda Baxter on May 1, 2009

in Hong Kong

victoria_peak_balconyWell, today’s my last day in Hong Kong, which is always bittersweet. This place is amazing, an extraordinary mix of ancient history and modern technology. Something about it really resonates with me.

Tomorrow, I jet off to Beijing for a week, where-—if like last year-—I’ll be plunged into internet blackout, due to rather “challenging” government restrictions. With luck, I might get one blog post off first thing upon arrival, but after that, the firewalls go up and the door locks. If not for Skype (which, thankfully works), my family would be a wreck, since even email access through my business account is blocked off.

If I get lucky and can post from there, I will. If not, please enjoy the soothing music. Will see you upon my return, jet lagged and all.

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