Uncle Sam Wants You (and your advice)

by Cinda Baxter on August 2, 2012

in Business, Real World

I frequently suggest small business owners learn from their customers. Ask what works. What doesn’t. What needs they have that aren’t being met. That kind of end user feedback can be a gold mine for future success.

Uncle Sam agrees.

Last year, the White House told all government agencies it was time to clean out the cobwebs—in other words, examine current rules, regulations, and red tape with the goal of streamlining and simplifying things. Aware that business owners are one of our country’s most valuable resources, a website was created so they could chime in, lending their expertise and on-the-street experience.

The site is not intended to be a complaints desk—it’s a porthole for those who have ideas and suggestions about moving forward, whether that means getting rid of something, adjusting something, or taking an entirely new approach.

It’s about making things work better.

Regardless of which side of the aisle you prefer, we can all agree: Involving small business owners in the process makes sense. What we do with the opportunity is entirely up to us.

Please note: Comments are closed on this post to avoid it becoming an unintended political debate.

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