Looking for the worst in people? Really?

by Cinda Baxter on December 17, 2009

in Media, Rant

child_head_downI was actually beginning to write a rave review of a segment that aired on the Today Show a few moments ago…until I heard the tease for the following segment. In under 30 seconds, a heartfelt thumbs up turned to a pronounced thumbs down.

First story: Internet scam sites
Demonstrated just how hard it is to spot a fake internet site while doing one’s holiday shopping. Yet another example of why it’s great to shop with local brick and mortars.

Second story: What celebrity disappointed you most this past year?
Dedicated to pointing out who fell the furthest, this poll, run jointly with the Wall Street Journal, lists six celebrities whose dirty laundry had the strongest stench.

Seriously? Who let you down most? Why not “the celebrity who surprised you most” or “the celebrity who inspired you most,” or “the celebrity who gives back the most?” Are those too mundane, or do we feel the sweetness of the holiday season needs a gallon of vinegar dumped on it?


End of rant. Thanks for listening.

Real Card Studio December 17, 2009 at 3:16 pm

Totally agree with you, Cinda. So sick of celebs-as-news, particularly when it’s not of their finest hour.

Judy December 17, 2009 at 4:32 pm

You have expressed what I have been saying for so long. Why do we need to see all of these train wrecks? One effort that focuses on teaching people to look for the positive is values.com. This used to be called the Foundation For a Better Life, and is funded anonymously by someone who wants to spread the word about the good things people do. Maybe you know of this group already, but if not, I urge you to check them out–you’re sending the same message. Thank you for your generosity of spirit.

Madonna Van Fossen December 22, 2009 at 8:52 am

Ditto! Can you imagine what a uplifting and fun place the world would become if we pointed out “positive” things that get overlooked or totally unnoticed? I know for a fact that having an “attitude of gratitude” has helped me find so much joy in my life and in other people who not so very long ago continued to “make my butt itch!”. (Sorry to be so crass, but that statement is so desciptive….)

I spent so many years picking apart; complaining; finding the worst in others so I could feel better….when one day it was suggested that I “scratch that itch and be done with it!” Who knew? Once I set out to “move on’ and find things around me that were good – the sunrise, the smell of fresh cut grass, the fact that someone owns a lawn mower to cut their lawn and have that smell of fresh cut grass in the air for me to enjoy……..so much came to light that I had taken for granted.

When I decided to open my eyes and look around, I discovered that life IS good, people are good and so am I! Once again, who knew? So, let’s continue to bring up the good and believe that one day, this good news will be traveling across the world delivering joy and laughter for people to see, feel, touch and love. Keep up the great work!

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