Monday, October 29, 2012

When’s the best time to post on FB?

by Cinda Baxter on October 29, 2012

in Facebook, Marketing

An interesting infographic drifted across my virtual desktop today, detailing when the best times are for a Page Admin to post on Facebook:


(Courtesy: Pandemic Labs. Click graphic to englarge)

Like everyone else, I’ve been tracking results on my own Facebook page—specifically, that of The 3/50 Project—with slightly more colorful results that what the graphic above shows:

• Posts that run in the evening garner more/faster interaction, but the attitudes tend to be less positive (sometimes verging on snarky and argumentative)

• Posts that run during daylight hours tend to garner more reasonable, more thoughtful responses; the level of positivity is considerably higher

• Posts that run in the 8:45 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. block seem to reach more small business owners than at any other time of day; their responses are typically the most detailed and focused

• Monday tends to be slower than Tuesday through Friday; Saturday is a toss up, depending on time of year. Sunday’s a black hole most weeks.

• Funny graphics get forwarded. A lot.

• Promoted posts don’t build the audience, regardless of when they run

• Letting one’s personal/real life slip in now and then solidifies the human connection (if you’re on our FB page, you might recall when I suddenly had bats roosting by the door to my deck…?)

• Pinning posts does have an impact, provided the pinned item is a graphic (quick read, quick smile, quick “like” kind of stuff). Text pins aren’t as effective, by a long shot.

So, what’s your experience been? Please share in the comments.