The GHTA conference

by Cinda Baxter on November 20, 2008

in Business, Economy, GHTA, Independent Retailers, Speaking

Today’s the big day–the start of the Gift and Home Trade Association national conference, in Sanibel, Florida (yeah, tough gig, I know). For those of you not familiar with the GHTA, this is a collection of CEOs, Presidents, owners, and upper management representing the most influential vendors, manufacturers, sales agencies, and trade magazines in the gift and home accessory industries.

On Saturday, I’m presenting two seminars called “Here and Now…and Tomorrow,” detailing the realities that concern retailers today, what concerns them about the next year, and how those concerns are going to impact the way they continue to do business. Thanks to the contributions of an advisory group of independent retailers representing a cross section of stores nationwide, the data is as “of the moment” as it gets.

Thanks to those of you who answered the call, sharing your wisdom and suggestions for the sessions. This is one of those cases where you’ve got a captive audience of real decision makers; together, we can help them decide what will help independents most in this unprecedented economic climate.

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