The 3/50 Project Member Badge updated

by Cinda Baxter on October 4, 2010

in The 3/50 Project

At last…something I’ve wanted to do for ages…. The 3/50 Project Member Badge has been updated, making it easier to spot and far easier to read (a bit of a challenge, given the differences between computer monitors and how they read color). Those of you who include the badge on your site now will see the change automatically–voila!

That doesn’t mean I’ve tiptoed into your server account and made changes without your knowledge (which would be smarmy at best). The way this works:

1. You copy the member badge code from our Resources page, then paste it into your website

2. That code “points” to our server, which is where the actual graphic is located–not on yours.

Thanks to everyone who’s helping to get the word out about supporting locally owned, independent brick and mortars by placing our badge on their sites and blogs. Each one helps!

Still don’t quite grasp how this works? Imagine sitting in your car at a stoplight while looking at a billboard across the street. You can see the billboard from where you sit, but the actual physical poster is glued to a big wall that’s 100 yards away. In other words, your eyes are in your head, but “pointed” toward a graphic that’s located somewhere else (overly simple analogy, but hey).

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