Congrats to AmericasMart award winners

by Cinda Baxter on January 11, 2009

in Altanta, Vendors

toddMike Oleskow decided I was a good luck charm yesterday afternoon as he was given an award from AmericasMart Atlanta for outstanding booth design. Hey, anyone willing to carpet their booth with flourescent pink fake fur accented with lime green chairs-—then pulls it off in style-—deserves props. His purse company, Lime N Roses, presented what Mike calls “the booth Barbie would have if she could.”

The comment came in response to the fact this was the third booth in a row I’d visited who received such a distinction. Moments earlier, I was in Lifeguard Press’ booth as Todd Ferrier won Best of Category, surrounded by their exclusive Lily Pulitzer line. kelly

Just before that, I’d been chatting with Kelly Oneal (Legacy Collection) about his Best of Show nod acknowledging the terrific environment he’s known for in High Design. Kelly’s won awards before, but Best of Show’s the big bell ringer.

These three lines are terrific, but better yet are the people behind them. Stop by. Take a peek. And know that while the environment’s an award winner, it’s surpassed by the customer service that comes with the package. Well done, guys. Enjoy the spotlight.

Lime N Roses: Building 3/4-1310

Lifeguard Press: Building 3/4-100

Design Legacy: Building 2WW/High Design 117

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