An open letter to supporters of The 3/50 Project

by Cinda Baxter on June 5, 2009

in The 3/50 Project

42-15348564Dear fans of The 3/50 Project,

This past two months has been extraordinary. What began as a few folks saying “Hey, this is cool“ ballooned into more than 7,500 spreading the word from coast to coast (and beyond). I still wake up in the morning half worried I’ll find out the whole thing’s been a dream.

Then I race to the office and begin my new 14-hour work days. With a smile. Which either means I’m crazy, or I’m living my life’s passion. (Hint: The correct answer is option B.)

Beyond feeling like someone who’s riding a brain buzzing high, I am immensely proud of what you’ve accomplished. You’re the ones who breath life into the Project and give it wings to fly. You’re the ones who embrace consumers and help them recognize their actions determine the future. You’re the ones who drum up support among your fellow business owners, newspapers, radio stations, and associations.

You’re The 3/50 Project’s heart and soul.

There are heroes among you. The retailers in Des Moines who pulled together and ran the first full page ad in the Sunday paper to grab customers’ attention. The businesses in Plymouth Michigan who are launching a city-wide yard sign campaign. The Chamber president in Magnolia Arkansas who, as a past retailer herself, is inspiring an entire business district to don The 3/50 Project t-shirts on Fridays….

The realtors who remind home buyers that their new neighborhoods rely on the businesses that populate them. The movie theaters who run free ads before movies start to enlighten their captive audiences. The consumers who print the flyer out at home, then march them to the doors of the businesses they frequent….

The magazines-—trade and consumer-—donating valuable ad and editorial space to run pieces promoting The 3/50 Project. It’s not lost on me, as someone who writes for one of the trades, just how big a gift that is….

And the hundreds-—hundreds-—of you who have written emails to cheer me on. My email software is heaving under the weight but I refuse to delete your notes. They lift me up on a daily basis (not to mention nightly basis, given how many times I’ve still been at my desk when the clock chimed midnight).

I am beyond blessed, and beyond grateful. We’re in this for the long haul, folks. Can’t think of anyone I’d rather share the experience with.

Your biggest fan,

“The Hub”

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