Treats without tricks

by Cinda Baxter on October 30, 2008

in Holidays, Marketing

Quick trick or treat promotion for your grown up customers:

1. Buy one of those kitchy little plastic Jack-o-Lantern candy buckets
2. Buy a bunch of shiny little star stickers in three different colors (gold, silver, red?)
3. Put gold stickers on the the back of one or two…silver stickers on a few more…red stickers on a whole bunch of ‘em (or all the rest, if you prefer)
4. Let adult customers select one candy bar without peeking inside the bucket

Gold sticker = $100 gift certificate, good through 12/24/08
Silver sticker = 20% off any non-personalized purchase before 12/24/08
Red sticker = 10% off any non-personalized purchase before 12/24/08

Have a second bucket with non-stickered treats for kids, just in case. Use different candy so no one accidentally hands a four year old the $100 gift certificate.

Note the expiration date for each is 12/24/08. We’re working on holiday sales here-—once we hit January, it will be time for fresh offers and ideas.

I’m going to be off the grid for the weekend, headed home to Nebraska for my father’s 70th birthday. Catch you on the other side!

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