Dinner and a diamond

by Cinda Baxter on December 28, 2009

in Marketing, Retail

platinum-diamond-ringAn interesting ad ran on the radio today. It’s for a national chain that sells diamonds-—one of the zillion or so that are pushing engagement rings during the holiday season.

What caught my ear was the part about all diamond ring purchases including a gift certificate for a local eatery (two locations, just opened…not stellar). The announcer even began with “It’s not much, but we’d like to give you a little gift for buying from us,” or something along those lines.

My guess is that the restaurant figured giving the jeweler a stack of gift certificates to hand out with big ticket purchases was cheaper than taking out air time themselves. They get the mention, along with an implied endorsement…no long term contracts…and good odds not all the gift certificates will be redeemed.

Interesting approach. Not sure if it makes a whole lot of sense, but interesting nonetheless.

As for their food…still questionable.

P.S. to those of you who know me personally, saw the headline, and thought “At last!”…sorry. Not the Prince Charming moment you’d hoped for…just me doin’ my blog thing. (grin)

Gina March 15, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Who made the gorgeous diamond ring in the pic…is it a Tiffany or Harry Winston, or who’s? Thanks, Gina

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