Brain Trust

by Cinda Baxter on August 4, 2008

in New York, NSA, Speaking

Let’s face it-—you can’t be in all places at one time, which means you can’t attend all the sessions simultaneously (probably a good thing; jamming that much information into every mental nook and cranny would land even the most mundane person in a neuro unit by day’s end).

Thankfully, I had the good fortune of meeting some truly wonderful folks along the way, whose values and professional ethics align with my own, recognizing the only way we succeed to is bring those around us along for the ride.

To Diana Repko and Nina Kaufman, you ladies are gems, with bright, shining futures ahead. Can’t wait to see where we all are a year from now….

And to Peter Stark, thank you so very, very much. While the success you’ve achieved is truly impressive, it pales in comparison to your generosity in sharing information and insights that come with years of experience.

I look forward to great things ahead. For all of us.


My newest hero

by Cinda Baxter on August 4, 2008

in New York, NSA, Speaking

This whole NSA thing is really working for me.

The best parts of the conference come in bits and bites, via extraordinary keynotes and information-rich breakout sessions held throughout each day. With more than 75 topics to choose from, it’s not hard to find something of interest; truth be told, it’s a lot harder to narrow the list to one at a time.

This afternoon, my choice was a Marjorie Brody session focused on building one’s speaking business. I came away feeling great about where I am on the continuum, with wheels spinning about the other four hundred things I could be doing to take things up a notch.

It’s not often you get to learn from one of the pros-—especially one who’s so enthusiastic about paying it forward. Three cheers, Marjorie. Much deserved.


Not your typical "conference"

by Cinda Baxter on August 3, 2008

in New York, NSA, Speaking

No, this isn’t a rock concert…although, yes, it certainly looks (and sounds and feels) like one. This is, dear reader, the National Speakers Association national conference, and lemme tell ya, this ain’t no mundane group. When the official Opening General Session opened tonight, it did so with the Rolling Stones blasting over the (admittedly impressive) sound system while normally tie-clad speakers with stellar reputations stood atop chairs and gyrated like they were eighteen.

Translated, this is the largest adrenaline rush on earth.

High points of the day:

“Nametag Scott” Ginsburg-—He’s either crazy or brilliant. I’m going with option B. Anyone who lands on CNN in his early twenties has something figured out.

Manny Medrano–The former ABC Supreme Court corespondent and former federal narcotics prosecutor in L.A. has moved–and continues to move–mountains with his challenge to lead your life with courage, heart, and soul.

Bill Stainton–Who knew the Beatles were teaching us about public speaking? His ability to turn the pop icons into a career lesson is astounding, entertaining, and crazy-brilliant.

God only knows what’s in store for tomorrow. At this rate, I’ll be levitating by Monday morning.