The 3/50 Project and third party promotions

by Cinda Baxter on June 2, 2009

in The 3/50 Project, Vendors

3-50-project-logo_500px2One of the upsides to a really successful viral campaign is that everyone wants to jump on board and share the love. That’s great, and is the very root of what makes The 3/50 Project tick.

The downside is that, sometimes, the enthusiasm outpaces the process. And believe me, with TM and copyright protected material, there’s process.

Vendors, please know how much I appreciate your desire to help spread the word by way of creative promotions. You have the ears of a lot of great business owners, and your support is welcome. That said, if you want to use The 3/50 Project name in the promotion, you need to get permission first, in writing, since that’s a licensing issue.

Basically, the way this works is if you use the materials on the Resources page as provided, for the purposes described on that page, you’re set. No problems. If, however, you’re using the name, logo, image, message, yada yada yada, for anything that reaches beyond those definitions and purposes, we need to talk first.

And if you’re a vendor, media outlet, corporation, association, etc. using the name, logo, image, message, yada yada yada, in a way that asks retailers, etc. to write you a check, well…that’s licensing.

To retailers who received the Boatman Geller newsletter yesterday announcing an upcoming coupon promotion surrounding The 3/50 Project, yes, I’ve seen it; please don’t forward additional copies. Rest assured, I’ve already contacted the vendor. Thanks for giving me the heads up and for your heartfelt concern.

To all the companies and firms with creative promotion and marketing ideas in mind, please respect the TM and ©. If you have an idea, drop me a line…we’ll talk. The link is right there on the Contact page of website.

Gotta protect this small business lovefest as best I can.

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