Rural retailers and business trends

by Cinda Baxter on January 19, 2009

in Business

small-town-usaThere are a lot of retailers outside of metropolitan areas, including many RetailSpeaks members. While there are overlaps in methodology and best practices between the in- and out-of-city storefronts, a number of unique factors come into play for those catering to rural (especially agricultural) communities. As someone who grew up as a farm kid in Nebraska, I can appreciate the value of information particular to that mindset and customer base.

Thanks to Karen Depp (New Orleans at Home) for bringing this great article to my attention. Even if your store is located in a major metro area, I suggest reading this through-—especially the part about Millennials. That, dear retailers, is a buzzword you should all be focussed on these days.

Becky McCray January 19, 2009 at 12:25 pm

Thanks for linking to my rural small business trends article. I’m a rural retailer myself, so I’m glad to have discovered your site!

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