But would your mom think it’s funny?

by Cinda Baxter on June 25, 2009

in Marketing

billboardYes, the photo above is legit. It’s really a billboard on Highway 100 in St. Louis Park, Minnesota. Morrie’s, the company paying for the space, is a Saab dealership that’s been around for decades. Their customer base, as a Saab dealer, is wide ranging, from late 20’s to customers well into their senior years.

Which begs the question: Would your mom think this is funny? Clever? Or a representation of an auto dealer who was more in line with frat boys than $50,000 vehicles?

Yes, their old site was awful. And yes, some would argue that a great way to launch a campaign is to fall on self deprecation. But…”sucks?” Someone in the head office really should have paused to consider their customer base and what percentage of their most lucrative, loyal, long term buyers might vote this one a tad bit unprofessional inappropriate tacky as all get out.

My guess is the vote would come down Frat House: 1…$50,000 car purchase: 0

Lesson: Put yourself in your customers’ shoes before you pull the trigger on an edgy campaign, folks. That edge can cut both ways.

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