
by Cinda Baxter on May 4, 2008

in Hong Kong, internet, Travel

Well, I can’t say I wasn’t warned.

Obviously, my posts were already running a few days behind—chalk that up to the combination of 6:00 a.m. wake ups and midnight returns to the hotel. Just wasn’t time to sit down at the computer.

After frantically trying to catch up on Hong Kong posts while en route to Beijing, then managing to get a few uploaded from the Westin immediately upon arrival, I woke up to a new reality the next morning. I was blocked. Not mentally—internet-ally (yup, just made that word up). While most of my bookmarked sites will open just fine, Blogspot now appears to be off limits. Try as I may several times, there’s no getting past the screen that says “access unavailable.” I was locked out of my own blog…

and out of RetailSpeaks. I don’t just mean the site—I mean the entire URL, i.e., no email access either. According to the host company (emailed them using an unrelated account), the server is just fine and all systems are functional, so the problem is limited soley to my laptop here in Beijing. My apologies to anyone who was inconvenienced by the lack of timely responses (especially since from your side, everything appeared functional).

Bummer. On both counts.

Editor’s note: Since access was blocked, the remaining China posts have been added from the States, still in chronological order, dated correctly.

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