Reminder: The 3/50 Project seminar tomorrow

by Cinda Baxter on July 11, 2009

in Altanta, The 3/50 Project

For those of you here in Atlanta, don’t forget tomorrow’s seminar about The 3/50 Project (Building 1, 14th floor, seminar room 14-D-9). Would love to see you there!

If there was any question the Project’s message is spreading, the past 24 hours have proven otherwise. I’ve been met with excitement in every showroom, booth, and hallway over what we’re doing, and how amazing it’s been for brick and mortars. Vendors are happy too, many of which have actively emailed their retailers with information, understanding that success on Main Street trickles upstream.

The high point was when Mark and Cinda Boomershine (Cinda B soft travel goods) and I arrived at a restaurant last night to find Patti Stracher, Kelly Bristol (Manager and Assistant Manager of the National Stationery Show), and Nan Burgess Brown Sutton (retailer Lulu Burgess, Beaufort SC) on the front steps. Nan immediately rushed over to enthusiastically share her delight over The 3/50 Project and all it stands for. Felt like the world’s proudest parent hearing someone complement their child….

We’ve really got something here, folks. Something big.

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