Bill Richardson knocks off The 3/50 Project?

by Cinda Baxter on December 21, 2009

in Economy, politics, The 3/50 Project

richardsonThey say “imitation is the highest form of flattery,” but c’mon. Seriously? Bill Richardson, governor of New Mexico, announces his idea–pick two stores, spend $25 each per month?

Color me crazy, but that sounds just a tad bit familiar.

Subtracting one store does not an original idea make, Bill.

Madonna Van Fossen December 21, 2009 at 9:17 am

You know, for someone to imitate is one thing…for someone to claim credit that clearly is not theirs – well, that’s just sad and we should probably add their name to the top of our prayer list. Regardless, I’m a firm believer that what goes around comes around and I try to remember this as I continue my OWN journey through life. My advice is let it go and continue spreading your hope throughout the world because I believe the world is listening to you – regardless of what others say or do.

Mike Hathaway December 27, 2009 at 10:51 pm


I completely agree. Your gracious and constructive comment is refreshing for me to read.

Kreisha January 11, 2010 at 10:25 pm

Hi Cinda,
I think your 3/50 project idea is great, and I’m glad you have the experience and know-how to manifest/popularize it effectively through the media/internet applications as you have.

I can also sympathize with your rejection of ‘flattery’;) I wasn’t able to read the article on the link about Bill Richardson (it’s been archived now), so it’s hard to determine what he does credit his ideas to. With the instant global speed of internet, it is possible that he was inspired by your blog/flyer/facebook news, but it’s not as easy to tell his connection to your work as if he had been a close associate or someone demonstrably connected to you…

In this case, I gently wonder if this could possibly be a case of ‘great minds think alike’?

‘Thinking globally and acting locally’ has been a long-standing adage of community minded people for a long time. And while your two ‘methods’ of implementing this do seem very similar, perhaps it’s the universe’s way of saying ‘we need more voices like this to reach the New Earth’…just a thought to rest on, lest the insult turn to injury.

In Kind,

Editor’s note: You’re a kind soul, Kreisha; thanks for the positive words. As for what Mr. Richardson attributed his “ideas” to…no one. They were claimed as his own, original thoughts, thus my post and frustration.

Fadhila Holman September 28, 2011 at 10:58 am

Hi Cinda,
I would always give credit where credit is due but the truth is, some ideas are not so complex, really just common sense and thus, cannot be attributed to one person alone. The number of stores and/or the dollar amount could be random or coincidental. I had never heard of the 3/50 project until I began speaking up about ways to assist Main Street and Chamber businesses in promoting and growing their businesses and forming collaborative relationships. It was then that the Director of Main Street said that I should check out the 3/50 project and become a part of it as some of my ideas were so similar to yours. It really is just a part of basic economics to understand that when we support local economy, it grows, more jobs result, those businesses purchase more locally, creating more growth, and so on. Those businesses contribute more to non-profits and community needs, taking up where government services and tax dollars leave off. Supporting local economic infrastructure makes the best sense if we want to recover from the position we are in right now. While it would not surprise me that someone would voice an idea that was not original, there are some ideas that are likely “original” thoughts of anyone contemplating this issue and certainly anyone with basic economics understanding. What I do give you credit for is inspiring a movement to move the idea from concept to action. Mr. Richardson voiced his idea – do you know if he ever created a following or action-oriented support base such as you have?

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